Sunday, September 16, 2007

Ambient Noise

I think I'll remember last night's sounds for the rest of my life. It went on all night: hippos grunting, lions roaring, elephants trumpeting, and giraffes walking around stripping the leaves off trees...

It's odd for me to be reminded of how divorced I/we all are from nature. As I laid awake at 3am last night listening to the sound of the savanna, a silly thought occurred to me:

That what I was hearing sounded exactly like one of those ambient-noise generators that people buy to help them relax. You know, the ones that have a bunch of different modes, like the sound of the forest, water running, etc. Those silly machines that a city person buys to drown out the sound of the highway outside her window.

And again: the field of stars out here is so clear, the scope of it so vast, that it reminds me of going to a planetarium. What kind of life am I living, where the real night sky reminds me of a planetarium, rather than the other way around?

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